World-Leading Experts on mRNA and Vaccination, Including Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Robert Malone, Testify at the UK’s Parliamentary Office on the World Governments’ Purposeful Suppression of Vaccination Data, Including Death Estimates at 13 Million Worldwide!
(Back up video link on Bitchute)
(From the original article written by Sonia Elijah: “World Leading Experts Testify at UK’s Parliamentary Office.’ While the British press brands the expert group as ‘discredited Covid conspiracy theorists!” Published on December 5th, 2023.”)
On December 4th, it was an honour to attend the 2-hour meeting at the Wilson Room, Portcullis House, the UK Parliamentary offices. Six world leading scientists and medical professionals presented their expert testimonies on the Covid pandemic and its consequences to a packed room.
Over twenty MPs were in attendance: Andrew Bridgen, Ian Paisley, Sammy Wilson, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, Paul Girvan, Carla Lockhart, David Davis, Sir Desmond Swayne (but left after the first few minutes), Jonathan Lord, Heather Wheeler, David Jones, Philip Hollobone, Neale Hanvey, Duncan Baker, Sir Christopher Chope, Sir George Howarth, Sir John Redwood, Ben Lake, Sir Robert Syms, Dean Russell, Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, Karl McCartney
The panel of experts included: Dr David E. Martin, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Pierre Kory, Professor Angus Dalgleish & Steve Kirsch. Unfortunatley, video addresses by Dr Mike Yeadon and Dr Peter McCullough were not possible due to unforeseen technical issues in the UK Government office building. Also, no live streaming or official recording of the event was allowed. Dr David E. Martin, PhD, was first to speak about the web of deception by governments, corporations, and regulators that led to the Covid-19 pandemic and how they built for themselves, immunity from prosecution.
Dr Ryan Cole, MD and pathologist, presented a comprehensive summary on the published scientific literature showing harms from the toxic lipid nanoparticles and synthetic RNA, found in the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. He shared the shocking fact that cancer rates have skyrocketed througout the world, post mRNA vaccine rollout. Cole also highlighted how the mRNA shots are contaminated “with hundreds of billions of copies of DNA in every lab around the world tested so far” and “sequences of a monkey virus [SV40].” He discussed how DNA contamination increases the risk of insertional mutagenesis and cancer, which is stated in Moderna’s own patent. My recent 2-part report details this.
Dr Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA technology (not the synthetic kind) and vaccine expert, spoke about the weaponizing of pathogens; the biodefense industrial complex and the many lies told from the beginning of the pandemic by governments and health authorities around the world. He importantly discussed bioethics and how human beings have the right to informed consent. An extract from his speech can be read below.
“There was a concerted effort to justify the imposition of this [modified RNA gene therapy] technology in a rapid fashion on the basis that there was this 3.4% case fatality rate associated with this virus (when in reality it was close to 0.02%, which was known from the first quarter of 2020).
What transpired in that rush was a fundamental breach in both ethics and regulatory norms that have been developed over decades..Human beings have the right to informed consent and what was done here, in a haphazard way, under the justification that we had to reject the norms that had been developed over decades, both for assuring vaccine safety and for assuring informed consent of patients- all had to be jettisoned on short notice because of a threat of a 3.4% case fatality rate and the need to move a countermeasure forward, without the due process that would normally take place- that’s what transpired here.” Malone concluded his speech by explaining:
“What we have here is a rushed product. A rushed technology. A failure to provide respect for humans in not allowing them to have informed consent. And furthermore, actively deploying the most massive propaganda campaign in the history of the modern world, to suppress the ability of the public to gain access-merely to have the knowledge- of what the adverse event risks are.
I come to you with one request- open the books! Let’s see the data and let’s allow the data to be examined so we can actually get to the bottom of the most important question the world is facing: were these products actually safe and effective?”

Insights from Dr. Ryan Cole shed light on various aspects related to nanoparticle usage, the persistence of synthetic RNA, and the circulation of synthetic spike protein. Dr. Cole emphasizes the potential harm of the spike protein as an agent, detailing its impact on the brain, peripheral nerves, and organs. He discusses the risks of myocarditis and heart issues, as well as the broader implications on adrenal glands, elastic fibers, and reproductive health. Dr. Cole also delves into the potential consequences for immune systems, highlighting weakened immunity. Vascular damage and clotting, abnormal protein accumulation, immune tolerance, and an increased risk of cancer are among the multifaceted concerns elucidated in Dr. Ryan Cole’s insights.
Make sure you follow, like and subscriber to Sonia Elijah, Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Robert Malone on all your favorite social media platforms!
Sonia Elijah; Investigative Journalist, Broadcaster, Writer
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Dr. Ryan Cole, MD; Board-Certified Dermatopathologist; AP & CP Pathologist
Facebook / Web
Dr. Robert Malone, MD MS; Physician and Biochemist
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