Reporter Jessica Robb was doing a live remote on Edmonton’s CTV during the six o’clock news when she began jumbling her words as she spoke to anchor Nahreman Issa.
“Sorry, Nahreman, I’m not feeling very well right now, and I’m about to..” Robb said as her eyes glazed over and she appeared to have speaking, keeping her eyes open, standing I was clearly about to pass out as she started to suffer from a sudden stroke like episode.

Quickly the cameras cut back to the in studio anchor who attempted to pacify the situation informing the viewing audience “We will come back to you. Right now, we will make sure that Jessica is doing okay and we will give you guys an update a little bit later,” Issa said as the feed ended. She added for those at home concerned about Robb that she was not alone on site.

The station later tweeted a thanks to everyone who inquired about the Robb and added, “Jessica Robb is feeling better and is now resting.” Robb’s public Twitter account was locked down almost immediately but luckily not before screenshots of her past tweets had already been taken where Robb herself admits to not only being Covid-19 vaccinated but also being triple boosted!

Robb’s then proceeded to do damage control putting out a public statement “‘While I will not share private medical information publicly, I can say that there is no cause for concern, and that my understanding of my own medical background provides a reasonable explanation for what happened.” Also adding “I can, however, confirm that the situation was in no way related to the Covid vaccine.” Sure, must just be another coincidence…;)